Land Portrait

Shreepad Joglekar

Land Portrait

January 5 – January 22, 2012
UTSA Satellite Space, Blue Star Arts Complex,
San Antonio, Texas

On Location, Part II: Land Portrait

July 6- July 28, 2012
UT Downtown Gallery, University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, Tennessee

Land Portrait features works from members of the Culture Laboratory Collective based upon their relationship with a particular place, landform, landscape, topography, or state of current residence. These pieces, when combined, serve as comprehensive land portraits.

Translations of localities can act as reflections of communities continually in flux. The visual statements produced for this exhibition may provide a more complete understanding of who (and where) we are.

The value of place and landscape is immeasurable. Memories from places can become etched in our minds and contextualized over time. This exhibit offers a view into a collective memory and re-locates interpretations of place into a public, conversational setting.

(Curated & Coordinated by Brian Jobe)

Review: “Earth isn’t always what we try to make of it” by Scott Andrews, San Antonio Current_ Jan 11, 2012

Review:Exhibit Focuses on Landscape” by Elda Silva, MySanAntonio.com_ Jan 17, 2012

Review:Terra Esoterica: 11 artists from the Culture Laboratory Collective Consider Land and Place” by Heather Joyner Spica, Metro Pulse_ July 11, 2012

Review:On Location, Part II: Land Portrait ” by Denise Stewart-Sanabria, Number Magazine (issue 73, page 20)